Someday I'll do something more with this site

 Novim    02 Mar 2022 : 18:39
 None    NLG


but... today is not that day!
[Submitted by Novim]

New games for NLG site

 Novim    07 Nov 2018 : 00:32
 None    Phantom Rose

D&D and FO76

I am planning to utilizing this site to represent my current gaming interests. Which are D&D - Dungeons and Dragons, and FO76 - Fallout 76.

Link to a good Ranked game

 Novim    16 Sep 2016 : 13:25
 None    Overwatch

NLG playing 5 rounds of King of the Hill - Nepal.

I felt this highlight represented our team well when playing together against adversity

We won first game, lost the next 2, and brought back for a much deserved win. 

this was with Pashiko instead of Ryjeon. But I'd like to Call out Ponce and Padoo for vocalizing what hero switches they wanted to do. 


Some NLG Stats

 Novim    11 Sep 2016 : 03:43
 None    NLG

I, Novim, record stats using google sheets and looking at my stream

So, we have played as 6 man in Season 2 for the first time this past week. 

I have been recording some stats since playing as 6. Including the first time playing during preseason and playing together as 6 this season. I only record stats when the 6 starters are playing (Novim, Ponce, Ryjeon, Chumpies, Padoo, Dosed). I haven't kept track when playing with Pashinko or if less than 6 people. 

If you want to see the document I am trying to design to record stats (along with other things) you can go here. 


It is still a work in progress (and you only have view access). Basically I created a form that inputs information into the first tab. Then I have a few tabs that is extrapolating that information and attempting to organize it. I have other tabs for other items I'm working on too. 

It is almost 4am... I've been working on this for way too long... which is the main reason why I am showing it. So I don't feel like I wasted many hours working on it. 

I should also mention that I do my data based on each "match". So Offense on Temple of Anubis is one match, defense is another match. Ilios - Ruins is one match. Even though the "game" is won or lost based on multiple matches (at least in ranked, and in quickplay for KOTH), I am breaking down by each map so we can better identify or strengths and weaknesses. So, the win rate is a bit skewed against us, because we can "lose a match" on offense but still win the game in ranked because we did a better on defense. Again, the purpose of the document isn't for record keeping, the game does that already for us. It is to identify areas of improvement. Anyway, this will be a method for us to go back and see what compositions worked well for us and on what map. Also, good to identify key issues.

6-man roster first time playing together

 Novim    01 Sep 2016 : 00:44
 None    NLG

NLG's 6-man team played together for the first time. Feel free to watch the games from Novim's Perspective.